Career Tips and Helpful Tools 


Do You Want to...

 Build a better corporate environment for your team?  Find your voice and develop your career story?  Leave a leadership legacy to be proud of?

Please enjoy these insights and approaches to better engage your team, showcase your strengths, and get on a career path that aligns with your passion.

What's Your Billboard Speech? May 08, 2023

Conference Conversations are Quick.

Here’s my 3-step Formula to get prepared.

Ever been at a conference, really wanted to meet someone you respected in your field, and then by the time you got face to face with them, it was like you forgot how to string two sentences together? Or worse, you...

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What's Your Take on "Quiet Quitting"? Sep 01, 2022

In the relative quiet of summer, a catch-phrase “quiet quitting” started trending. There are a myriad of articles already written about the subject. And while some describe Quiet Quitting as doing the bare minimum at work – only doing what’s asked – I like this...

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How do you Lead a Successful Team? Nov 19, 2021

Know Your Why

For fun, I recently joined a women’s soccer team. My neighbor had been asking me to join for a couple of years, telling me how much fun it is. So I finally gave in and signed up.  And even though this is an over-45 team… in the Rec division…. with...

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Are You Overdoing Your Strengths? How to Dial it Back Oct 23, 2020

Lately, I’ve become a bit obsessed with SPLAT points. It’s part of a tracking system at a gym I joined where you strap on a heart monitor that displays your progress on a large screen as a fitness coach challenges you to stay at a base pace (green zone), a push (orange zone)...

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